My web thingy

Some tools

Recently I have had a bit of spare time so thought I would add a couple of projects I found interesting to my web site.

IPv6 Stats

This tool allows you to get some stats on people visiting websites which have a small image included in the page. The image is used to collect the stats.

You can view the stats I have collected on my own sites at

Feel free to add the collector image to the your own site to help build up the stats, this will work even if your site is only running on IPv4. Use the following code on your site.

The stats tool was created by Eric Vyncke, you can see the stats that Eric has collected at his website. Eric also has some interesting IPv6 deployment stats

DNS Check

This tool runs various DNS checks and lets you know of any errors, checks include IPv6 checking and DNSSEC. You can also enter in name servers to run the check against, which is useful if you are changing DNS servers and want to make sure that things are setup correctly before you change servers.

You can check your domains at

DNS check was created by the guys at and the source code can be downloaded from

At some point I will get around to updating the themes on the above tools so that they blend in a bit more with the rest of the site.

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